April 7, 2021

Veterinarians Receive Four Days of Hands-on, Specialized Training to Save Lives and Provide the Best Healthcare for Animals

Veterinarians Receive Four Days of Hands-on, Specialized Training to Save Lives and Provide the Best Healthcare for Animals

 At the NAVC Institute, Veterinarians Learn the Latest Techniques that Help Animals Live Longer, Better Quality Lives


Note: This article contains information that is considered out of date.

navc institute

The North American Veterinary Community (NAVC) will host its 20th annual NAVC Institute, an interactive and immersive conference for veterinary professionals to master techniques they can take back to their clinics and immediately apply to their daily work. Emergency Medicine for Everyone, one of the seven focused programs to be offered, addresses the critical need for primary care veterinarians to be able to confidently handle the growing number of emergency cases and to continue to provide the best healthcare for animals

“With a shortage of emergency veterinarians, there is an urgent need for emergency-trained professionals,” said NAVC Institute’s Emergency Medicine for Everyone course leader, Elke Rudloff, DVM, DACVECC, cVMA. “This course contains sessions that focus on teaching veterinarians who don’t specialize in emergency medicine how to prepare for and treat the most common small animal emergencies.”

As advances in animal medicine parallel human medicine, veterinarians must find ways to stay current on emerging trends, technologies and techniques in order to provide the best healthcare for animals. At NAVC Institute, participants learn from world-renowned veterinarians in a small, intimate classroom setting, allowing them to receive intensive one-on-one training with experienced instructors. This unique environment increases knowledge retention and makes course materials easier to understand, absorb and take back to their practice to provide the best veterinary care for animals.

“Pets are an integral part of our lives and members of our family,” said Dr. Dana Varble, NAVC’s Chief Veterinary Officer. “The great news is pets are living longer, better quality lives thanks to the advances in animal medicine. Treatments that have readily been available in human medicine, whether it’s cancer or arthritis treatment, are now available to pets. With so many changes in animal medicine, veterinarians must keep up and stay abreast of the latest techniques in diagnosis and treatment to continue providing the best care to our pets.”

Courses at the 2021 NAVC Institute include:

  • ABVP Examination Preparation
  • Emergency Medicine for Everyone
  • Exotic Animal Medicine
  • Practical Dentistry: Chew on This!
  • Practical Orthopedic Surgical Techniques
  • Practical Techniques in Soft Tissue Surgery
  • Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound

NAVC Institute will take place May 23 – 28, 2020, at the Caribe Royale Orlando. For more information on the NAVC Institute and how to register, visit https://navc.com/institute/. To get an in-depth look at what courses and sessions are offered, read the NAVC Institute Program Guide.

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