Hand-Carry Policy
Material Handling, also called freight handling or drayage, is the movement of your freight from the loading dock/carrier or Advance Warehouse to your booth and back to the loading dock/carrier at the close of the show. Drayage includes delivery of the materials to your booth, the handling of empty containers to and from storage, and the removal of your material from the booth for reloading onto your outbound carrier. Freeman is the official handling contractor for VMX 2025.
In some cases, exhibitors are permitted to “hand-carry” their materials to their booth without the use of Freeman handling. Please see below if your materials can be classified as Hand-Carried.
For safety purposes, Freeman personnel must escort large display pieces that must be towed or driven into position. Flat rates or hourly charges will apply for this service, as a substantial savings over drayage rates. See the Direct Mobile Units/Motorized Vehicles order form to arrange.