VMX 2024: Hands-On Workshop Sponsorship Levels and Policies
Thank you for your interest in joining us with a VMX 2024 Hands-on Workshop Sponsorship. We have several levels and ways to get involved to provide great exposure for your company. All of the sponsorship benefits we provide in return are outlined below.
Workshop sponsorship levels are determined by:
- The retail value of consumable goods (if not all consumable goods donated are utilized in the year they are donated, the full value of the goods will only be recognized in the year they are donated. NAVC will handle storage, shipping and handling of all donated equipment after we initially receive it.
- Donated equipment will be valued at the retail price the first year. The value will be valued at 50% for 2 years thereafter. NAVC will handle storage, shipping and handling of all donated equipment after we initially receive it.
- Rental price of equipment used in the Hands-on Workshops
- Instructional and logistics support (i.e. company representatives who are given an official instructional assignment or help set-up or clean up in Hands-on Workshops) will be valued and credited at $100 per hour of workshop. A $250 credit will be applied to sponsorship for set up and/or clean up if those services are provided. The ability to contribute support in the workshop must be approved by NAVC Hands-on workshop staff in conjunction with the respective workshop coordinators.
- Financial donations are always welcome and encouraged! Those donations can be utilized to increase the sponsorship level.
- Shipping and receiving fees (including shipping and receiving equipment). A reasonable estimate for shipping fees will be accepted. Both incoming and outgoing shipping will be eligible for this credit. (Please note that shipping invoices/receipts from the previous year or written shipping estimates must be provided to determine the value of this credit. These will need to be sent to the Hands-On Workshop manager prior to this value being added to the sponsorship level)
Workshop Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
- 3 Partner points (Please click here to review the NAVC Partner Points Program)
- Logo and Name appear on the Hands-On Workshop entrance banner
- Announced as a Presidential Honors Workshop Sponsor at the beginning of the workshop.
- Listed as a Presidential Honors Workshop Sponsor the Official Program Guide (if deadlines are met)
- Listed as a Presidential Honors Workshop Sponsor on the electronic Workshop notes (if deadlines are met)
- Issued Presidential Honors Workshop Sponsor ribbons for the name badges of their company representatives.
- Have a Presidential Honors Workshop Sponsor carpet decal placed in front of their exhibit booth
- Listed on NAVC.com as a Presidential Honors Hands-on Workshop Sponsor
- A complimentary banner ad on NAVC.com **
- A complimentary banner ad in the mobile app for a Hands-On Workshop of your choosing***
- 30% discount on advertisements in the VMX preliminary program guide **
- Mailing list of Hands-on Workshop attendees*
- Option to have a complimentary table-top booth in the Hands-On Workshop area and first choice for location in that area
- 2 Partner points (Please click here to review the NAVC Partner Points Program)
- Logo and Name appear on the Hands-On Workshop entrance banner
- Announced as a High Honors Hands-on Workshop Sponsor at the beginning of the workshop.
- Listed as a High Honors Hands-on Workshop Sponsor on the electronic Workshop notes (if deadlines are met)
- Issued High Honors Hands-on Workshop Sponsor ribbons for the name badges of their company representatives.
- Have a High Honors Hands-on Workshop Sponsor carpet decal placed in front of their exhibit booth
- Listed on NAVC.com as a High Honor Hands-on Workshop Sponsor
- 50% discount on a banner ad on NAVC.com **
- 50% discount on a banner ad in the mobile app for a Hands-On Workshop of your choosing***
- 20% discount on advertisements in the VMX preliminary program guide **
- Option to have a complimentary table-top booth in the Hands-On Workshop area and second choice for location in that area
- 1 Partner point (Please click here to review the NAVC Partner Points Program)
- Issued Honor Roll Hands-on Workshop Sponsor ribbons for the name badges of their company representatives.
- Have an Honor Roll Hands-on Workshop Sponsor carpet decal placed in front of their exhibit booth
- Listed on NAVC.com as Honor Roll Hands-on Workshop Sponsor
- 25% discount on a banner ad on NAVC.com **
- 25% discount on a banner ad in the mobile app for a Hands-On Workshop of your choosing***
- 10% discount on advertisements in the VMX preliminary program guide **
- Option to have a complimentary table-top booth in the Hands-On Workshop area and third choice for location in that area
CORE SPONSORSHIP (Sponsor Facilitated Hands-On Workshops)
The NAVC welcomes associations and companies to submit Hands-on Workshop proposals as well as the VMX program committee. There is a $10,000 base fee to become a CORE Sponsor for a full day, $5,000 for a half-day workshop. CORE sponsors are responsible for handling the coordination of a Hands-On Workshop and providing the main equipment. They will have their contributions valued as detailed above and will also be given the following privileges:
- An evening session the night before your Hands-On Workshop will be open to the Workshop attendees. This session will take place near the Hands-On Workshop space. The room provided will be of a size to accommodate the attendee capacity of the Hands-on Workshop. (Main program evening sessions can still be purchased through our Sponsorship Team – please email [email protected] if interested)
- Listed as the primary and CORE sponsor by name (eg. Surgery present by….) for that Hands-on Workshop in VMX marketing materials including the Official Program Guide (if deadlines are met).
For more details, please contact Mary Hannah Sperry, Hands-on Workshop Manager at [email protected], or Dana Varble, Vice President of Veterinary Education at [email protected].